Join the FeedOps team and industry peers in an engaging webinar series focused on shopping feed optimization. Benefit from live Q&A sessions and network with professionals to share insights and experiences. This interactive opportunity is your path to mastering key optimization techniques, enhancing your skills, and boosting online sales.


Expert-Led Sessions

Learn directly from industry veterans like Frank Grasso, CEO of FeedOps, and other guest speakers who bring a wealth of experience and proven success.

Interactive Learning

Engage with our experts in real-time during our interactive Q&A sessions. Get your questions answered and dive deeper into the nuances of digital marketing.

Join Our Webinar Masterclasses!

About The Masterclasses

Welcome to the FeedOps Masterclass Webinar Series, your ultimate gateway to mastering digital marketing in the e-commerce landscape. Our comprehensive series kicks off with an in-depth exploration of shopping feeds, a critical component for anyone aiming to amplify their online presence and sales through Google and Micorsoft Ads.


Available On-Demand! - Learn How Shopping Feeds Affect Your Google and Bing Ads

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Learn How Shopping Feeds Affect Your Google and Bing Ads
Explore everything you need to know about shopping feeds and maximizing your online advertising success. Ideal for newcomers to digital marketing or those aiming to improve existing strategies, this session offers invaluable insights and actionable tips. Dive into the content at your convenience and start enhancing your marketing skills today.


Available On-Demand! - Learn How TO Get Targeted Traffic!


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How to Tailor Your Products to Meet Shoppers’ Search Intent
Dive into the art of keyword mastery in our upcoming webinar, “Targeting Keywords.” With a focus on “How to Tailor Products to Meet Shoppers’ Intent,” we’ll explore strategies for identifying the most effective keywords for your products. Learn about the nuances of long-tail keywords and match types, and uncover how to optimize your product data to ensure maximum alignment with shopper intent. This session promises to arm you with the insights needed to enhance your product visibility and attract more targeted customers.

Future topics include:​

  • Unpacking PMax and Smart Shopping: Navigate the world of AI-driven product listing ads.​
  • From Website to Merchant Center: Seamless integration of your product data.​

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