New Bulk Editor for Product Data Optimization

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Product data optimization is a must in today’s competitive advertising environment, particularly when it comes to search engine marketing (SEM). Those who optimize their data to match the way people search will succeed; those who do not will not be seen.

Today we have released a revamped product data editor FeedOps has released several new features to help you optimize your product data in a way that is both scalable and flexible.

Let’s dive in and have a look!

New Product Editor

The major feature in this release is a completely revamped product editor. Here is what it looks like:

The new FeedOps Product Editor.

The new product editor introduces some of our most-requested features, including:

  1. Editing multiple products at once
  2. Filtering your products by individual fields
  3. Add missing data
  4. Previews of titles and descriptions as they will appear in Google, Facebook and Microsoft
Add in new data for a field that is empty, whether it is a product type, an attribute, or a custom label.

Say for example that you want to adjust your product type to achieve Google’s recommended product type depth of 3 levels. You can filter your products to find all those with an empty Product Type (3rd Level) field, as shown in the image above. Make sure that the column(s) you want to edit are display, then select the results and click Edit.

From there you can put in the value that you want to add, click Save and your product type will be updated the next time your feed updates. Or you can click the Publish button to push your changes out to Google, Microsoft and Facebook straight away.

You can use the same technique to add in custom labels, missing attributes, adjust titles and more.

Apply a template to your titles (and descriptions) for one product or many.

Speaking of titles, you can now edit your titles to follow a template at an individual product level. Let’s say you want to add in the Size attribute to your product titles. Previously you would have had to do this for an entire category at a time. But what if you only need to adjust a handful of SKUs within the category? Simply select those SKUs and use the bulk editor view to adjust your title template. Oh, and you can do the same for your descriptions as well!

Save your changes, and the table will update to show you a preview of what will go out to your channel with the next update.

Preview your changes in real time.

This release marks a huge upgrade in your toolset for product data optimization. But we’re not done yet. We have more on the way, including more advanced filtering options, as well as improvements to the responsiveness of the user interface. Watch this space!

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